Garden View Rhapis, Cordyline, and Queen palm trunks
Rhapis excelsa (Lady Palms) Cordyline terminalis (Ti Plant)
Syagrus romanzoffiana (Queen Palm).
The Rhapis sticks or (moms) were removed from larger clumps of palms in the hopes that new pups or plants would produce new clumps, they were planted last summer. The Cordyline were planted 2 years ago and flowered for the first time in late 2000. The Queen palms (Syagrus romanzoffiana) were planted in the summer of 1997. Leaves of the Acoelorrhaphe wrightii (Silver Saw Palmetto) are also seen in this photograph and were planted in the summer of 1999.
Image taken February 7, 2001

Livistona Chinensis
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